77° North in Orkney

77 ° North in Orkney exhibition view

77°North in Orkney 

Edge textile artists Scotland

Artworks by Aileen Nielsen, Anita Hutchison, Ann Williams, Annette Bruton, Brenda Burkitt, Catherine Gowthorpe, Dawn Murray, Jennifer Hamshere, Jean Mellin, Kim Gunn, Liza Green, Maggie Le May, Mary Webster, Moira A. Dickson, Moira E. Dickson, Pamela Westwick, Shan Press, Sue Fraser, Sue Hotchkis, Susan McEwan, Wilma Graham, Yvonne Tweedle.

26th August - 6th September 2023

The whaling industry is not a subject which immediately springs to mind when one thinks of fine art textiles and embroidery but Edge members like a challenge. After drawing and research days and being given access to the archives at Dundee’s McManus Gallery and Museum, the subject proved fascinating despite its bloody history. The exhibition in Northlight was one of the outcomes.

Note: The title of the exhibition derives from research of the C19 whaling industry - ships might travel as far as 77°North, to the north of Baffin Bay, the far northwest coast of Greenland, a cold and hostile environment for men and ships alike.